
29 Creative B2B Content Marketing Ideas

Brands today must almost be a publisher in their own right whether they’re a small business or a major corporation. Content is the way to achieve potential customers, and there are many different ways to go about it – from blog posts and articles to ebooks, webinars, and podcasts. The options for B2B content marketing ideas are almost endless.

But where do you start?

What kind of content will resonate with your audience?

Not to worry, I’ve got you covered in this post! Here are 29 B2B content marketing ideas.

1. Make a Content Marketing Plan

Without a content strategy, your efforts will be scattered and inconsistent. Define your goals, target audience, and the overall tone and approach you want to take with your content.

2. Publish Helpful Blog Posts on Your Website

A great way to share valuable information with your audience is through blog posts. Keep them relevant to your business and make sure they offer something of value to your readers. Educate the market on your products and services by creating helpful how-to guides (like this one!).

Start writing about the industry’s biggest problems that your company can solve. Make sure to use a call to action to attract clicks to a custom landing page where B2B buyers can sign up for a free trial or demo. Address your potential clients pain points in the posts you write is a great way to build your sales funnel.

3. Create Data-Rich Infographics

People love visual information, so why not give it to them in the form of an infographic? This is a great way to communicate complex information in an easy-to-understand format.

4. Host Helpful Webinars

Webinars are a fantastic way to position yourself as an expert in your field and generate leads at the same time. Offer something of value to your attendees and make sure you promote your webinar ahead of time.

5. Use Your LinkedIn Company Page to Post Content

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for B2B marketers to generate new leads. Use it to connect with potential customers, and create and share your content. One of the best ways to use your company page to attract leads is to post interesting and relevant articles. Use your company page to run targeted LinkedIn ads.

6. Encourage Your Employees to Use LinkedIn

In addition to using your company page to reach out to your target market, encourage your employees to be active on LinkedIn. There are no bigger advocates for your brand than your employees. There are also subject area experts so encourage them to create their own content on LinkedIn.

The more great content your employees create and share the greater the brand awareness.

6. Create an Industry-Specific Podcast

Podcasts are another great way to position yourself as an expert. You can interview industry leaders, talk about current trends, and offer tips and advice. Make sure you promote your podcast on social media channels and other platforms to reach the widest audience possible.

Guest Podcast

7. Write Guest Posts on

Guest posting is a great way to get your name and your company’s name out there. Find blogs that are relevant to your industry and pitch a guest post idea. If they accept, make sure you write something valuable and promote it once it’s published.

8. Get Earned Media Placements

Are you a subject matter expert or would like to become one? Getting quoted in the media in articles that pertain to your business or area of expertise is one of the best forms of content marketing.

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9. Use Paid Media for Low Hanging Fruit

You can use paid media to amplify your B2B content marketing ideas. For example, if you have a blog post that’s doing really well organically, consider boosting it with a Facebook ad.

10. Write eBooks that Serve Your Audience

A free eBook is a great way to show off your company’s knowledge and get people to sign up for your email list. Offer it as a lead magnet in exchange for an email address. Then, once someone downloads it, they’re more likely to be open to hearing from you in the future.

11. Publish Data-Driven Industry Reports

If you have access to data that would be valuable to your audience, compile it into a report. This could be survey data, industry trends or even just information about

You can also content market through paid ads. This could be in the form of a Facebook ad, Google AdWords, or a native ad on another platform.

10. Send Out a Non-Salesy Newsletter

Sending out a monthly or quarterly newsletter is a great way to keep your customers and clients up-to-date on what’s going on with your business. It’s also an opportunity to share helpful information, tips, and resources.

11. Shoot Video Content

Video is one of the most popular forms of content right now, so it’s essential for b2b marketers to use it as part of their strategy. So it’s a great idea to create some videos for your audience. You can use video for everything from product demonstrations to educational content.

12. Speak at Conferences and Events

If you want to get in front of your target audience, there’s no better way to do it than by speaking at conferences and events. This is a great way to build your brand and show off your expertise.

Make content before, during, and after your event. Give your audience an inside look into what you will be presenting on and other happenings of interest during the event. Make sure to hire a photographer to take professional photos and videos of you speaking.

Share the content you create at the event on your website and social media pages.

13. Write Testimonials and Reviews

Make it a point to write testimonials for the products and services you use. Not only is this good for SEO, but it will also help build trust with your audience.

When you write a review, be sure to include detailed information about what you liked and didn’t like. Be honest and objective. If there are areas that need improvement, mention them.

If you have clients or customers who are happy with your work, ask them to write a testimonial or review that you can share on your website and social media pages.

14. Go Live on Social Media

Another great way to connect with your audience is by going live on social media. This could be in the form of a Q&A, a tour of your office or factory, or even a simple question and answer session.

No matter what you decide to do, make sure you’re providing value and that your audience will enjoy watching.

B2B Content Marketing Ideas

15. Use Twitter to Expand Your Audience

Some people are surprised to find out that Twitter is a great channel for B2B content marketing. However, behind LinkedIn, I would argue that Twitter is the second best social media platform for B2B. Twitter can be used in a number of ways to reach your target audience.

You can use Twitter to:

  • – Share your blog content and videos
  • – Connect with other businesses and industry leaders
  • – Stay up to date on news and trends in your industry
  • – Join or start conversations about topics that are important to you
  • Reach out to the media. Almost all journalists use Twitter.

16. Collaborate With Other Brands

If you’re struggling to come up with content ideas, why not collaborate with another brand? This could be in the form of a guest blog post, social media takeover, or even a joint webinar or podcast episode.

Not only will this help to generate new content ideas, but it will also help to introduce your brand to a whole new audience.

17. Start a Youtube Channel

YouTube is a powerful platform that allows you to reach a global audience with your videos. If you’re not sure where to start, why not create a series of ‘How To’ videos or educational content that will help your target audience?

18. Use Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories are a great way to connect with your audience on a more personal level and give them a behind-the-scenes look at your brand. You can use Stories to showcase new products, share customer testimonials, or even run quick polls and surveys.

19. Publish an Industry Report

One of the best ways to position yourself as an expert in your industry is to publish an industry report. This could be an annual report that covers the latest trends and developments in your industry or a more comprehensive guide that covers everything from A to Z.

20. Run Facebook Ads

While Facebook is not always looked at a great platform for organic reach for B2B brands. However, almost every B2B decision-maker has a personal Facebook page. One of the best ways to reach them is through running highly targeted Facebook ads. The right ad campaigns on Facebook can be extremely effective in driving leads and customers to your business.

21. Create Press Releases

A press release is a great way to generate publicity for your business. Every time you launch a new product, service, or campaign, write and distribute a press release to announce it to the world. You can also use press releases as a way to announce major changes or developments within your company.

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22. Become a Regular Contributor to an Online Publication

This is taking a step further than submitting the occasional guest post. By becoming a regular contributor you can grow an audience by providing them with valuable, informative content on a regular basis. This will also help to establish you and your business as thought leaders in your industry.

23. Submit Your Articles to Online Directories and Journals

If you have articles or whitepapers that would be of interest to your target audience, consider submitting them to online directories and journals. This is a great way to get your content in front of new eyes and generate leads for your business.

24. Respond to Queries on Reddit

Reddit is a great way to respond to inquiries from potential customers that may have not discovered your company yet. If you see a question that you know your business could answer, be sure to chime in and help out.

25. Develop an Industry Glossary

An industry glossary is a great way to show off your company’s expertise. By providing definitions for key terms, you can position yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

26. Conduct an Industry Survey and Share the Data

There are lots of ways B2B companies can poll their audience these days and obtain valuable data. Once you have the data, share it in an infographic or blog post to show off your findings.

27. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a great way to reach B2B customers with your content. Find an influencer in your industry and collaborate on a blog post, podcast episode, or video.

28. Write Case Studies

Case studies are an effective way to show off your successes and attract new clients. They’re also great for SEO, so make sure you include relevant keywords throughout.

In summary, these are just a few ideas to get your started with B2B content marketing efforts. By creating informative, engaging, and targeted content, you can attract new leads and customers, and build relationships with your existing ones.

Do you have any other B2B content marketing ideas? Share them in the comments below!

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